Anatomy of the Bent Steel Saddle

Home Posts Anatomy of the Bent Steel Saddle

Guitar saddles play a key role in delivering the tone, and to a large extent for improving the resonance of the guitar.

It is a very important component of any guitar because it transfers the vibration and resonance of the string to the entire body of the guitar. Saddles made of different materials and of different shapes affect the string vibration, intonation, sustain, timbre, and tuning stability.

Highlights of Audible Steel vintage-style saddles for S-style guitars:

  • Manufactured from specific grade CRCA steel
  • Stainless steel height adjustment screws that are designed to fit snugly
  • Precision stainless steel intonation adjustment screw with #4-40 thread
  • Special grade steel springs that resist rusting, and won’t collapse or turn brittle for a very long time

These materials, along with some minute modifications (invisible to the naked eye) to the 1954 bent steel S-style saddle design, allow our aftermarket saddles to deliver that classic sound with enhancements that the modern player demands.


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